Food Composition Tables
Georgian, Albanian and Kyrgyz food composition tables were compiled and published in the frame of the Official Development Support Programme in food composition area for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which is funded from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic. All publications are available for free in electronic format.
Albanian Food Composition Tables, 2022
The Albanian FCT is the main output of the multi-annual cooperation between NPPC-VÚP and Agricultural University of Tirana. FCT contains food composition data for 75 Albanian foods and 5 traditional dishes. The basis are scientific literature, laboratory records of Agricultural University of Tirana and food labels from local food producers. Missing data was borrowed from USDA database. Food composition data of tradition dishes was calculated using Alimenta software based on original recipes by NPPC-VÚP.
Kyrgyz Food Composition Tables, 2022
The Kyrgyz FCT is the main output of the 4-year cooperation between NPPC-VÚP and two universities in Kyrgyzstan - I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University and Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. The publication includes 41 foods and their basic components, such as water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and ash. Particular attention was paid to the inclusion of data on local foods such as kumiss, chuchuk sausage, mare milk or yak milk, as well as on wild fruits growing in Kyrgyzstan. Food composition data was collected from available scientific literature sources. It provides also food composition data of 11 traditional Kyrgyz dishes (e.g., Beshbarmak, Dymdama, Manty, etc.) calculated based on local recipes using Alimenta software by NPPC-VÚP.
Georgian Food Composition Tables, 2009
The Georgian FCT were developed by the Association of Nutritionists in Georgia as a result of several year of professional assistance from NPPC-VÚP. They contain 139 foods, mostly staple foods, dishes and products. The main sources were unpublished Georgian sources and American FCT.