NPPC BIOCENTRUM Modra activities
| 27-05-2020Regarding to the Measure 01 – Knowledge transfer and information actions (M01), Sub-Measure M01.1 - Vocational training and skills acquisition actions, BIOCENTRUM Modra submitted to PPA (Agricultural Paying Agency) project entitled "Innovation and higher level of own products processing on farms and agricultural companies in rural regions”. The goal of the submitted activity is to elevate professional aptitude of agricultural businesses and farmers in the field of innovations and own produce processing:
- improve the economics of farmers and agricultural businesses, improve the level of products processing and direct sales between farmer and consumers,
- Increase the security of such sales, their quality and means of communication between seller and consumer,
- improve the overall qualification of farmers
Project focuses on providing information and knowledge, aquiring new skills in the field of innovations, higher degree of own products processing and realization of direct sales on farms and agricultural businesses in rural regions.
Educational activity will take form in 8 courses, with each one focusing on a specific field:
- fruit and vegetables
- cereals, pulses and oil plants
- technical plants and medicinal herbs
- complex treatment of milk
- meat, eggs and bee products
Second project entitled "Consulting service in the field of primary agricultural production and its processing" was submitted within the Measurement 02 – Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services (M02), Sub-measurement M02.1 - Support to help benefit from the use of advisory services
Project goal is to improve the competitiveness of agriculturalists and processors to establish new, sustainable and effective cultivation, breeding and processing methods as well as diversifying the produce and increasing the farm's ability to process its own products.
The aim of the project is to ensure information relay in the whole agricultural praxis. Give the opportunity to farmers, small processors, agricultural and processing businesses to gain knowledge through a complex counselling service in the form of analyses, studies, processing assistance and realization of development projects or goals, personal attendance on optimization and problem solving in manufacture, development, implementing new processes and products, ecologization of companies, optimization of energy consumption and decreasing the negative ecological impacts.