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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Súhrny čísla 4 / 2008
Perception of Slovak foodstuffs designated by protected geographical indication by Slovak consumers
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 47, 2008, č. 4, s. 205-208
Soňa Supeková, VÚP Food Research Institute Bratislava, Priemyselná 4, SK – 824 75 Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail:
Súhrn: Numbers of 300 men and 300 women of Slovak population were interviewed about European policy relating to protected geographical indication (PGI) designation, association of PGI to higher food quality perception and sustainability of production of such designated products in Slovak Republic. Also, knowledge about four Slovak PGI foodstuffs (Skalický trdelník, Slovenská bryndza, Slovenská parenica and Slovenský oštiepok) to be sold on the market in Slovakia has been ascertained. As found, knowledge about EU protection of foodstuffs by PDO (protected designation of origin) and PGI designations had 79% women and 66% men, 79% women and 60% men associated PDO and PGI designations to higher quality of foodstuffs, 83% women and 66% of men had an opinion that Slovak producers should continue in production of such products. In comparison to this, only 43% women and 32% men on average knew that some of Slovak foodstuffs had already been designated by PGI what was brought about probably due to the fact that all four products were registered during last two years. As also follows from the survey, women were, in general, more interested in PGI-designated foodstuffs in comparison to men.
Kľúčové slová: perception; protected geographical indication (PGI); food quality; Slovakian PGI foodstuffs
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jfnr-2008-4-p205-208-supekova.pdf (PDF, 144.03 Kb, 2375x)