Vedecký časopis - archív
46 2007
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Vol. 46, 2007
Číslo 4 | |
145-149 |
STAŠKO, A. - BREZOVÁ, V. - BISKUPIČ, S. - RAPTA, P. Antioxidant properties of liqueurs – an EPR study |
150-157 |
MIKULAJOVÁ, A. - TAKÁCSOVÁ, M. - RAPTA, P. - BRINDZOVÁ, L. - ZALIBERA, M. - NÉMETH, K. Total phenolic contents and antioxidant capacities of cereal and pseudocereal genotypes |
158-166 |
HROMÁDKOVÁ, Z. - STAVOVÁ, A. - EBRINGEROVÁ, A. - HIRSCH, J. Effect of buckwheat hull hemicelluloses addition on the bread-making quality of wheat flour |
167-173 |
BARTÁKOVÁ, K. - VORLOVÁ, L. - TITĚRA, D. - LUTZOVÁ, M. Physicochemical parameters and botanical origin of Czech honeys |
174-180 |
SUHAJ, M. - KOREŇOVSKÁ, M. Identification of cheese species origin by pattern recognition processing of elemental data |
181-185 |
DOBRÍKOVÁ, E. - SVĚTLÍKOVÁ, A. Occurence of benzo[a]pyrene in some foods of animal origin in the Slovak Republic |
186-194 |
ŠALGOVIČOVÁ, D. Estimation of long-term dietary exposure of the inhabitants of Slovak Republic to polychlorinated biphenyls |
195-196 | Contents of the volume 46, 2007 |
197 | Author index 2007 |
197-198 | Subject index 2007 |