Research scope
Center of Excellence instrument infrastructure
Cooperation offered for research organization and industry
Current research projects
Major completed projects
Other completed projects
International cooperation
Cooperation with industry
Other activities
Publication activity
Research scope:
- Research in food safety and mitigation of contaminants generated in the technological processing and storage of foods
- Development and application of analytical methods in food safety, quality and authenticity evaluation
- Innovations in the food industry, functional foods, utilization of unconventional raw materials and by-products
- Building of databases of analytical characteristics as a tool for authentication and of food quality and safety assessment
- Consulting service for food industry and government authorities
- Analytical service (price list - HERE)
Center of Excellence instrument infrastructure:
- Laboratories of Gas and Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, Q-TOF-LC/MS, DART-LC/MS), Ultraviolet (HPLC-UV a DAD) a Olfactometric Detection (GC-O)
- Laboratory spectral properties characterization (antioxidant capacity, thermooxidative stability, content of phenolics, flavonoids and colour measurements using EPR and UV-VIS-NIR methods)
- Laboratory of cereal technology and food quality assessment (rheological analysis using Mixolab device, bakery oven with proving chamber, texture analysis, colour analysis, crude fibre analyzer, water content, water activity analyzer)
- Laboratory of wine and viticulture
- Sensory laboratory with the panel of trained evaluators and modern computation technique
Cooperation offered for research organization and industry:
- Evaluation of quality of primary food products
- Innovations in food industry
- Utilization of food primary- and by- products with technological processing design
- Research in extraction and characterization of valuable food components (antioxidants, natural colorants, biologically active compounds) and development of novel food products with added value
- Analysis of food contaminants and consultation to minimize their occurrence
- Authentication and detection of adulteration of foods
- Comprehensive analysis of grapevine and wine
- Professional advisory activities, seminars and education trainings
- Utilization of infrastructure and laboratory instruments with professional experience
- Chromatographic techniques (GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, GC-O, GC-FID, HPLC-UV) for analysis of nutrients (amino acids, saccharides, fatty acids), contaminants (acrylamide, HMF, mycotoxins, PAH, PCB, ethylcarbamate) and aroma active compounds
- Spectroscopic techniques (EPR, UV-VIS-NIR) for analysis of antioxidant properties, polyphenols, flavonoids and colour
- Mixolab device for flour quality and rheology analysis
- Textural analyzer (wide applications for food products, packaging materials etc.)
- Trained panel of sensory evaluators for various food commodities (bread, juices, honey, novel foods etc.)
Current research projects:
- Bioactive compounds of sea-buckthorn and their application in functional foods (2018-2021, principal investigator: Ing. Zuzana Ciesarová, CSc.)
- Complex utilization of plant biomass in biofoods with added value (Biofoods) (2017-2022, principal investigator: prof. Ing. Štefan Schmidt, PhD., responsible investigator at NPPC VUP: Ing. Martin Polovka, PhD.)
- Establishment of pilot facility and the development of mass rearing methods for edible insects production (2018-2021, principal investigator: RNDr. Milan Kozánek, CSc.; responsible investigator at NPPC VUP: doc. RNDr. Peter Siekel, CSc.);
- Collaborative study of acrylamide occurrence and qualitative aspects of Triticale-based confectionery products (2019-2020, principal investigator: Ing. Kristína Kukurová, PhD.);
- Biotransformation as potent tool of plant enzymes for the preparation of natural aroma compounds (2018-2022, principal investigator: Ing. Vladimír Sitkey, PhD. – Axxence Slovakia)
Major completed projects:
- Improvement of nutritional and sensorial parameters of fruit and vegetable juices by inert gas application (2012-2015, budget: 1 718 577,77 €, principal investigator: Ing. Ľubomír Daško, PhD.)
- Strategy of acrylamide elimination in technology procedure od food production (CEX-3, 2010-2015, budget: 939 347,90 €, principal investigator: Ing. Zuzana Ciesarová, CSc.)
- Centre of Excellence for contaminants and microorganisms in foods (CEX-2, 2010-2014, budget: 2 649 854,76 €, principal investigator: Ing. Zuzana Ciesarová, CSc.)
- Utilization of regional resources for functional food production (HUSK, Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Cooperation Programme, 2010-2012, budget: 1 145 682,70 €, principal investigator: doc. Ing. Stanislav Šilhár, CSc., Ing. Martin Polovka, PhD.)
- Establishment of „HiTech“ centre for research of formation, elilmination and evaluation of contaminants in foods (CEX-1, 2009-2010, budget: 738 451,84 €, principal investigator: Ing. Zuzana Ciesarová, CSc.)
Other completed projects:
- Quality and authenticity of fruit juices - study of relationships between the origin of feedstock, processing technology and quality of fruit juices (2016–2019, principal investigator: Ing. Martin Polovka, PhD.)
- Cooperation in research and development of sea-buckthorn enriched foods (2017-2018, principal investigator: Ing. Zuzana Ciesarová, CSc.)
- Support of Slovak food production by improvement of their quality and safety (2016-2018, principal investigator: Ing. Martin Polovka, PhD.)
International cooperation:
- Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, Poland
- University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland
- Institute of Biochemistry, Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition, University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Czech Republic
- Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania
- Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Institute of Food Technology in Novi Sad, Serbia
- BLT Wieselburg at the Federal Institute of Education and Research Francisco Josephinum, Rakúsko
- Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic
Cooperation with industry:
- McCarter a.s., Bratislava – beverages and juices producer
- NOVOFRUCT SK, Ltd., Nové Zámky – traditional cannery
- Poľnohospodárske družstvo Tvrdošovce (Gold from nature), Tvrdošovce – sea-buckthorn farmer and producer
- Slovenský zväz pekárov, cukrárov a cestovinárov, Bratislava – Slovak Association of Bakers, Confectioners and Pasta Producers
- Mlyn Kolárovo a.s., Kolárovo – flour-mill producer
- Celpo spol. s.r.o., Očová – puffed cereals producer
- Cloetta Slovakia s.r.o., Levice – confectionery company
- eDiéta s.r.o., Pezinok – nutrition provider
- CIBI s.r.o., Marcelová
- STUVIVAL s.r.o.,Bratislava
- Ing. Viera Jelemenská (the best poster presentation award at CzechFoodChem XLVIII, Skalský Dvůr, Czech Republic, 2018)
- Ing. Kristína Kukurová, PhD. (personality of science and technology up to 35 years award of the Minister of education, science, research and sport of the Slovak republic, 2013)
- Ing. Jana Sádecká, PhD. (awarded poster presentation at FLOUR-BREAD, Opatija, Croatia, 2011)
- Ing. Blanka Tobolková, PhD. (the best contribution at interactive conference for young scienticts in the section for biotechnology and food technology, Preveda 2010)
Other activities:
- Food fair Danubius Gastro, Incheba Bratislava
- Agricultural and food exhibition Agrokomplex, Nitra
- Science and Technology Week in the Slovak republic (publicity)
- Science Film Festival (Safe and tasty foods, 2016)
- Chemical Horizons (publicity of Slovak Chemical Society)