Scientific journal
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 4 / 2017
Belajová, E. – Tobolková, B. – Daško, Ľ. – Polovka, M. – Durec, J.
Changes in colour, ascorbic acid and 5-hydrohymethylfurfural concentration in grapefruit and carrot juices during storage
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 56, 2017, No. 4, s. 381–388
Elena Belajová, Department of Chemistry and Food Analysis, Food Research Institute, National Agricultural and Food Centre, Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 25, 82475 Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel.: 00421 2 50237 051, fax: 00421 2 55571 417, e-mail:
Received 16 June 2017; 1st revised 7 September 2017; 2nd revised 18 October 2017; accepted 19 October 2017; published online 11 December 2017
Summary: Effect of time and temperature on ascorbic acid (AA), 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and colour is described in grapefruit and carrot juices with pulp that were stored at (2 ± 1) °C, (7 ± 1) °C, and (20 ± 2) °C for 168 days. Degradation of AA followed the first-order kinetic model and showed some inverse correlations with HMF formation (r ≈ 0.6665–0.7953), together with subsequent changes in colour characteristics L*, a*, b*, browning index and total colour difference. The reaction rate of AA decomposition increased with an increase in temperature and the half-time increased with temperature decrease. Changes in AA, HMF and colour were significantly lower at (2 ± 1) °C and (7 ± 1) °C comparing to (20 ± 2) °C in both juices (p < 0.05). The kinetic model of AA decomposition may be a useful diagnostic tool for control of juice quality and for prediction of the shelf life.
Keywords: ascorbic acid; colour; 5-hydroxymethylfurfural; juice; storage
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