Scientific journal
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Summary No. 4 / 2010
Inconsistent terminology in food safety field: a permanent risk factor?
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 49, 2010, No. 4, s. 186-194
Peter Raspor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail:, tel: + 386 1 320 37 50; fax: + 386 1 2574092
Summary: Food safety understanding is a concept, which begins with technologies and goes all the way to the legislation, from producer to consumer and it is very important that each single link in the food chain is able to communicate with each other. The aim of this study was to analyse terms connected to “food safety” in the period from 1969 to 2008 in major on-line databases for the field, namely, “PubMed” and “Food Science and Technology Abstracts” (FSTA), using qualitative content-analysis as a methodological tool. Main results revealed inconsistent use of “food safety” terminology in the food safety field. It has been shown that professionals do not speak the same language. With regard to global food safety in the food supply chain, this paper points to the need for uniformed terminology, because inconsistent termi¬nology is deceptive and can be one of the risk factors at professional and scientific levels. With an intention to unify the terminology, we expose two influencing categories with seven subcategories, which create the basis of Code of Good Practices and defined food supply chain terminology.
Keywords: food safety; good practice; terminology; qualitative content analysis
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